deutsch Ortsbezogene Warnungen


KATWARN is the first internationally networked warning system and is also in operation abroad. For that, each country has its own "national" KATWARN-app. But no matter where you are: you only need to install one of them, to receive warning internationally!

Alerts in European countries

The KATWARN roaming technology allows you to receive current warnings in multiple countries (if your guardian angel is activated).
  • e.g. during your business trip or holidays

Receive alerts from home all over the world

Your saved locations and subscribed topics will deliver warnings all over the world.
  • to always know, if everything’s all right at home

Available in App Stores around the world

The national KATWARN applications can be downloaded free of charge in every countries’ app stores (iPhone, Android, Huawei).
  • e.g. for visitors with foreign mobile phone contracts

Where is KATWARN used?